Vetenskap Festivalen: Pecha Kucha

Date: April 17th, 2024

Time: 20:00 CET - 21:00 CET

Place: Auktionsverket Kulturarena, Tredje Långgatan 9, 413 03 Göteborg

Come join me for a “pecha kucha” at the Vetenskap Festivalen in Göteborg! What is a “pecha kucha”? It’s a fun and engaging way of presenting a topic: 20 images, to be commented and explain in 20 seconds each. It will be my first “pecha kucha” , but I’m always up for a challenge! I will (try to) talk about cognitive neuroscience and brain plasticity. Will I manage to do this? Who knows!

The lecture will be held in English.


Pint of Science Göteborg


Public Talk: “Our changing brains”