Pint of Science Göteborg

Pint of Science is an annual science festival that takes place every May and brings researchers to local fun venues to share the latest happenings in the world of science. This year it will take place on May 13th-15th: three nights filled with science and beer!

I will be at Pitcher’s Majorna (Göteborg) on May 15th, from 18:30. The topic of the night will be Brain & Artificial Intelligence. The line-up also includes other super cool talks from:

Toms Voits: Living with More than One Language – The Effects of Bilingualism on Mind and Brain

Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel: Yes, AI can do that but… should it?

Ivan Domenzain: Coding for life: computers and biology

Date: May 15th, 2024

Time: 18:30 CET - 20:30 CET

Place: Pitcher's Majorna, Karl Johansgatan 92 414 55 Göteborg

More info and free registration here:


Plasticity in Developmental Dyslexia: Publication


Vetenskap Festivalen: Pecha Kucha